Range: 450 | Move Speed: 290
Primary Attribute: AGI
Str: 18 + 1.85 | Agi: 22 + 2.6 | Int: 15 + 1.75
Damage: 46-48 | HP: 492 | Mana: 195
HP Regen: 0.79 | Mana Regen: 0.61
Attack Speed: 0.72 | Armor: 3
Primary Attribute: AGI
Str: 18 + 1.85 | Agi: 22 + 2.6 | Int: 15 + 1.75
Damage: 46-48 | HP: 492 | Mana: 195
HP Regen: 0.79 | Mana Regen: 0.61
Attack Speed: 0.72 | Armor: 3
Venomous Gale (E)
Poisons lenteandolo for a short time goal breach initial damage and then a smaller constant damage for 15 seconds.Level1 - 50 initial damage, 10 damage constant.Level2 - 70 initial damage, 20 damage constant.Level3 - 70 initial damage, 40 damage constant.Level 4 - 100 initial damage, 50 damage constant.• Damage Type: Magic• An Allied unit can deny the target if it has less than 25% of their total life.• Duration of damage every 3 seconds.• Casting range: 800• Area of Effect: 125Mana Cost: 90/105/120/135Cooldown: 22
Poison Sting (T)
Adds poison damage to normal attack venomancer, lenteando their enemies. Lasts 7 seconds.Level 1 - 5 damage per second Infringes. Lentea 11%.Level 2 - 10 damage per second Infringes. Lentea 12%.Level 3 - 15 damage per second Infringes. Lentea 13%.Level 4 - 20 damage per second Infringes. Lentea 14%.• Damage type: magical• The damage poison sting can kill.• Poison Sting is a buff.Mana Cost: N / ACooldown: N / A
Plague Ward (W)
Summons a snake (guard). lasts 40 seconds.Level 1-75 life 11 maximum damage.Level 2-200 life, 21 maximum damage.Level 3-325 life, 32 maximum damage.Level 4-450 life, 42 maximum damage.• Damage Type: Physical• casted rank: 850Mana Cost: 20Cooldown: 5
Poison Nova (V)
Create a ring of poison that damages enemies in an area.Level 1 - 36 (58 *) damage per second. Dura 12 (14 *) seconds.Level 2-58 (81 *) damage per second. Dura 14 (15 *) seconds.Level 1-81 (108 *) damage per second. Dura 15 (16 *) seconds.Mana Cost 200/300/400Cooldown: 140/120/100 (60)• Damage type: magical• This skill can not kill (Target is 1 HP).• Area of Effect: 950• Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improvements).
Organize Skills:
Nivel 1-Venomous Gale
Nivel 2 Plague Ward
Nivel 3-Venomous Gale
Nivel 4 Plague Ward
Nivel 5 Venomous Gale
Nivel 6 Poison Nova
Nivel 7 Venomous Gale
Nivel 8 Plague Ward
Nivel 9 Plague Ward
Nivel 10-Poison Sting
Nivel 11 Poison Nova
Nivel 12-Poison Sting
Nivel 13-Poison Sting
Nivel 14-Poison Sting
Nivel 15-Stats
Nivel 16 Poison Nova
Nivel 17-Stats
Nivel 18 Stats
Nivel 19-Stats
Nivel 20-Stats
Nivel 21-Stats
Nivel 22-Stats
Nivel 23-Stats
Nivel 24 Stats
Nivel 25-Stats

Magic Stick

Ancient Tango of Essifation

Ironwood Branch

Lesser Clarity Potion
Items For Home:

Phase Boots


Empty Bottle
Venomancer Half Game Build:

Force Staff

Lothars Edge
Venomancer Late Game Build:

Manta Style

Aghanims Scepter

The Butterfly

Buriza-do Kyanon
Explanation:There are many ways to play this hero, that depends who you get on the starting skill; Plague Ward or Poison Sting. If you want to play on computer, I recommend Plague Ward, this skill gives you many benefits. It helps you crepear, to throw the enemy hero of the line break faster towers to lentear, damage and very importantly, to have vision. That is before entering a dark part (usually in a tower), plant a charge, this will help you or your team to have vision for a while, since the tower or the heroes would be delayed a little to destroy, and the you can put your from afar (850 range). It is also advisable to plant block, so that the enemy creeps or heroes they were difficult to pass.Your Hero has to be in constant motion, hunting all over the map because your Venomous Gale is very harmful, especially in the early levels, it's out AoE, and if you calculate well you can drop to 2 or more heroes. When you get to level 6 your combo is simple and usually effective against Agility heroes and wizards, you use your Poison Nova Venomous Gale then, you start to hit as much as you can and go. The fucion is both deadly poisons, it should be emphasized that the poison Poison Nova can not kill you, leaves you up to 1, the Venomous Gale is the one who ends up killing.For this hero items are diverse, but at first you do recommend tanking items because the want to get to throw your poison makes you very vulnerable, but another option is Lothar something more expensive, which enters or invisible salts of the fight, according suits you, but the problem is that items if your enemy is dust or eye or gem, a surprise factor will be lost and will attack you before you know what your account.The Aghanim, is also very useful, because you cause more damage Posin Nova, always calculating, to poison the vast majority of enemies.
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