Black Arachnia
The Broodmother
Rango: 128 | Velocidad de movimiento: 295
Atributo: AGILIDAD
Frz: 17 + 2.5 | Agi: 18 + 2.2 | Int: 18 + 2
Daño: 44-50 | HP: 473 | Mana: 234
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.73
Velocidad de ataque: 0.69 | Armadura: 3
The Broodmother
Rango: 128 | Velocidad de movimiento: 295
Atributo: AGILIDAD
Frz: 17 + 2.5 | Agi: 18 + 2.2 | Int: 18 + 2
Daño: 44-50 | HP: 473 | Mana: 234
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.73
Velocidad de ataque: 0.69 | Armadura: 3

Spawn Spiderlings
Broodmother injects her young in an objective, creating a lot of pain. If the target dies therefore their spiderlings will be born. 2 second effect and spiderling last 60 seconds.
Level 1 - 75 damage, 1 spiderling.
Level 2 - 150 damage, 2 spiderlings.
Level 3 - 225 damage, 3 spiderlings.
Level 4 - 300 damage, 3 spiderlings.
Mana cost: 120
Cooldown: 10
Casting Range: 700
Note: If the target is killed in those two seconds, the spiderlings will be born.
Note: Units of birthing the spiderling leave no body.
Note: Units killed by the spiderlings will give birth to spiderites a version smaller and less powerful.
Note: spiderites Spiderlings and receive more damage from towers (125%) and less damage to towers (40%).

Spin Web
Creates a spider's web that gives invisibility in the box to the Broodmother, regeneration and increased speed.
Level 1 - Allows two webs, +2 HP regeneration per second, and +20% movement speed.
Level 2 - Allow 4 webs, +4 HP regeneration per second, and +25% movement speed.
Level 3 - Allows 6 ply, +6 HP regeneration per second, and +30% movement speed.
Level 4 - Allows 8-ply, +8 HP regeneration per second, and +35% movement speed.
Mana cost: 50
Cooldown: 30
Casting Range: 600
Area of Effect: 650
Note: Broodmother becomes invisible in 2 seconds.
Note: Affects Spiderling and spiderites.
Note: When it is placed destroys trees.
Note: The network has a vision of 150.
Note: No prevents reborn neutrals.
Note: If you add an additional network to the limit, the oldest disappears.
Note: The networks are displayed on the minimap.

Incapacitating Bite
Gives the Broodmother venom which greatly reduces the functions of the target and causes additional damage. It lasts 2 seconds.
Level 1 - Gives a 10% chance you do miss, slows movement speed by 10%
Level 2 - Take a 20% chance to make miss, moving speed decreases by 20%
Level 3 - 30% gives possibility to make miss, moving speed decreases by 30%
Level 4 - Take a 40% chance to make miss, moving speed decreases by 40%
Note: This is an Orb.
Note: This is estaquea miss the dodge and evasion.

Insatiable Hunger
The Broodmother generates a violent need for bodily fluids. This gives an increase in attack and drains life. Lasts 14 seconds.
Level 1-60 bonus damage, 40% life sucks.
Level 2-80 bonus damage, 60% life sucks.
Level 3 - 100 bonus damage, 80% life sucks.
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 60/45/30
Note: estaquea with items that give life sucks (Orb or aura).
Note: You can only be removed by Purge.
Orden of skills:
Level 2 - Spawn Spiderlings
Level 3 - Spawn Spiderlings
Level 4 - Spin Web
Level 5 - Spawn Spiderlings
Level 6 - Insatiable Hunger
Level 7 - Spawn Spiderlings
Level 8 - Incapacitating Bite
Level 9 - Incapacitating Bite
Level 10 - Incapacitating Bite
Level 11 - Insatiable Hunger
Level 12 - Incapacitating Bite
Level 13 - Spin Web
Level 14 - Spin Web
Level 15 - Stats
Level 16 - Insatiable Hunger
Level 17-25 - Stats
Items for Home:

Magic Stick

Ancient Tango of Essifation

Ironwood Branch

Lesser Clarity Potion
Items for Early Game:

Power Treads

Vladmirs Offering
Items for Mid Game:

Black King Bar

Items for Late Game:

The Butterfly

Cranium Basher

Buriza-do Kyanon
Guide Broodmother - Black Arachnia
This hero is strong throughout the game, especially at the beginning which is almost unstoppable. The first major advantage is that we have to exploit our teladearaña, it was to make us invisible regenerates us and gives us life movement speed. For this reason you not only concentrate on crepear but hit you steal because you regenerate ABLE.
Then Spawn Spiderlings, is a very good skill, because you can use in and then have spider creeps, so easy and will break crepearemos tower. The Broodmother in the line go mission is to break arm themselves and kill (can from level 3)
Its disadvantage is that it has small little mana, so you need Bacilius and Clarity Potion, then this will serve us for our Bacilius Vladimir, which will make us unstoppable, because it is useful for our spiders, always remember this hero can break 2 min 8 towers.
BKB need to be unstoppable with this item and our ulti kill in seconds to almost any magician. Finally we'll damage, attack speed basher and if necessary, to prevent the enemy escape.
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