Soul Keeper - Terrorblade
Rango: 128 | Speed of Movement: 305
Attribute: AGI
Str: 15 + 1.9 | Agi: 22 + 3.2 | Int: 19 + 1.75
Damage: 48-54 | HP: 435 | Mana: 195
Attack Speed: 0.6 | Armor: 5.1
Rango: 128 | Speed of Movement: 305
Attribute: AGI
Str: 15 + 1.9 | Agi: 22 + 3.2 | Int: 19 + 1.75
Damage: 48-54 | HP: 435 | Mana: 195
Attack Speed: 0.6 | Armor: 5.1
Guide Soul Keeper - Terrorblade of version 6.80c, with their new skills.

Terrorblade brings a dark reflector of a target unit. The target is 60% and lenteado attacked by your copy for 5 seconds.
Level 1 - copy damaged 40% of its damage.
Level 2 - 50% damaged copy of your damage.
Level 3 - 60% damaged copy of your damage.
Level 4 - 70% damaged copy of your damage.
Mana cost: 50.
Cooldown: 22/18/14/10.
Casting Range: 250.
Note: Copies are invulnerable.
Note: Copies can only attack your original.

Conjure Image
Creates a copy of Terrorblade which deals damage. Lasts 25 seconds.
Level 1 - copy damaged 30% of its damage.
Level 2 - copy damaged 40% of its damage.
Level 3 - 50% of damage copy its damage.
Level 4 - 60% damaged copy of your damage.
Mana cost: 80.
Cooldown: 16.
Note: Illusions receive 300% damage.

Level 1 - Increases damage 15.
Level 2 - Increases damage 30.
Level 3 - Increases damage 45.
Level 4 - Increases Damage by 60.
Mana Cost: 50.
Cooldown: 150.

Swaps the soul of an enemy Terrorblade, changing a percentage of life. Some points of life remain.
Level 1 - 33% of life is minimum.
Level 2 - 28% of life is minimum.
Level 3 - 23% of life is minimum.
Note: Stops a summoning spell enemy.
Note: direct withdrawal of life.
Order of Skills:
Level 1 -Reflection
Level 2 -Metamorphosis
Level 3 -Reflection
Level 4 -Metamorphosis
Level 5 -Reflection
Level 6 -Sunder
Level 7 -Reflection
Level 8 -Metamorphosis
Level 9 -Metamorphosis
Level 10 -Zeal
Level 11-Sunder
Level 12 -Zeal
Level 13 -Zeal
Level 14 -Zeal
Level 15 -Stats
Level 16 -Sunder
Level 17 -Stats
Level 18 -Stats
Level 19 -Stats
Level 20 -Stats
Level 21 -Stats
Level 22 -Stats
Level 23 -Stats
Level 24 -Stats
Level 25 -Stats
Items for Home:

Magic Stick

Ancient Tango of Essifation

Ironwood Branch

Lesser Clarity Potion
Items for Early Game:

Power Treads

Magic Wand

Sange and Yasha
Items for Mid Game:

Manta Style

The Butterfly
Items for Late Game:
Eye of Skadi

Monkey King Bar
Guia Soul Keeper - Terrorblade
This hero with the new changes, allowing you to have a better advantage against the magicians, because initially it is very easy to hunt and lines makes it very vulnerable and almost impossible to crepear. With his skill Reflection at the beginning will be a great help, because the enemy may throw heroes and save crepear. The hero with this strategy is very simple, and you can armate beat all your enemies.
Its biggest advantage is its illusions, for that reason you must arm yourself with items that give you attributes (Speed and Strength), since these are the only ones that work on your illusions, ie if you have a lot of agility your copies will have more damage and if you have great force, these will have more HP. For example, if only you would have your illusions Divine only damage the base damage.
Finally a great advantage in a fight, is that you can change their lives. That is Trankil you can fight two heroes at once change the life of one who has filled life when you're badly hurt. Significantly much time should care, that means that when you want to change his life, having no cooldown stonear, budearte or another skill or item that you do not allow cast.
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