The Queen of Pain
Range: 550 | Move Speed: 300
Frz: 16 + 1.7 | Agi: 18 + 2 | Int: 24 + 2.5
Damage: 45-53 | HP: 454 | Mana: 312
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 0.97
Attack Speed: 0.69 | Armor: 2
The Queen of Pain
Range: 550 | Move Speed: 300
Frz: 16 + 1.7 | Agi: 18 + 2 | Int: 24 + 2.5
Damage: 45-53 | HP: 454 | Mana: 312
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 0.97
Attack Speed: 0.69 | Armor: 2

Shadow Strike
He shoots a poisonous dagger makes a great initial damage and damage over a period of time. The poisoned unit has its reduced speed for a short period.
Level 1 - 50 damage, 30 damage at intervals of 3 for 15 seconds. Lentea 20%.
Level 2 - 75 damage, 40 damage at intervals of 3 for 15 seconds. Lentea 30%.
Level 3 - 100 damage, 50 damage per intervals of 3 for 15 seconds. Lentea 40%.
Level 4 - 125 damage, 60 damage at intervals of 3 for 15 seconds. Lentea 50%.
Mana cost: 80/100/120/140
Cooldown: 20/16/12/8
Note: Units affected by this skill can be denied if your life is below 25%.
Level 1 - 50 damage, 30 damage at intervals of 3 for 15 seconds. Lentea 20%.
Level 2 - 75 damage, 40 damage at intervals of 3 for 15 seconds. Lentea 30%.
Level 3 - 100 damage, 50 damage per intervals of 3 for 15 seconds. Lentea 40%.
Level 4 - 125 damage, 60 damage at intervals of 3 for 15 seconds. Lentea 50%.
Mana cost: 80/100/120/140
Cooldown: 20/16/12/8
Note: Units affected by this skill can be denied if your life is below 25%.

A short distance teleportation that allows in and out of combat.
Level 1-700 Range.
Level 2-850 Range.
Level 3-1000 Range.
Level 4-1150 Range.
Mana cost: 60
Cooldown: 12/10/8/9
Note: Most of the projectiles can be avoided if the skill before they get used.
Note: If the selected distance is greater than the range of the blink, teleport only 80% of the distance Max.

Scream of Pain
The Queen of Pain throws a piercing scream, damaging nearby enemy units.
Level 1 - 85 damage per target.
Level 2 - 165 damage per target.
Level 3 - 225 damage per target.
Level 4 - 300 damage per target.
Mana cost: 110/120/130/140
Cooldown: 7
Area of Effect: 425/450/475/500
Note: No harm no visible units akasha.

Sonic Wave
Create a tidal wave of sound that great damage to all units in a line.
Level 1 - 350 damage.
Level 2-475 (530 *) damage.
Level 3 - 600 (725 *) damage.
Mana cost: 250/360/500
Cooldown: 135 (100 * / 70 * / 40 *)
Casting Range: 700
Note: The values can be improved by Aghanim as shown (*).
Order of skills:
Level 1: Blink
Level 2: Scream of Pain
Level 3: Scream of Pain
Level 4: Shadow Strike
Level 5: Scream of Pain
Level 6: Sonic Wave
Level 7: Scream of Pain
Level 8: Shadow Strike / Blink
Level 9: Shadow Strike / Blink
Level 10: Shadow Strike / Blink
Level 11: Sonic Wave
Level 12: Blink / Shadow Strike
Level 13: Blink / Shadow Strike
Level 14: Blink / Shadow Strike
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Sonic Wave
Level 17-25: Stats
Use items that:
Items that out:

Empty Bottle
Ironwood Branch
Items for the Home

Boots of Speed


Ultimate Orb
Akasha The Queen of Pain Half Game Build

Linken's Sphere

Boots of Travel

Aghanims Scepter
Akasha The Queen of Pain Late Game Build

Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse

Eye of Skadi

Shiva's Guard
This is a hero very killer ( easily one of the best dota ) , but also is one of the weakest because it has very little life , so you must show up at the last minute and pull a target all your powers to kill because with an easy stun take away half the life lol . The idea is blinquear at the right time ( with little life or running away ) and give everything . The bottle is important because it allows you to hit , out , regenerate your health and mana , re-enter and kill! without forgetting the runes xD .
To not be easy to kill and can kill with ease , first you is to get your boots and perseverance that will give you the chance to survive online without problems and stroll around the map, then the orb ultimate and finish your linken , with this blink your item and you will be a very difficult target to kill. Following this evolve your boots in travel, these two items will give you complete freedom to appear anywhere , you will be like a stone in the shoe xD LOL.
After having these two items of course you get your Aghanim for your ulti hurts more ! 725 damage and 40 seconds cooldown Level 3 does not fall at all bad ! and rest assured that it will hurt a lot the opposing team.
The combo is this -> blinqueas , you scream , poison and wave. Team -> blinqueas , cry , you wave that blows poison and obvious escape from there and over there. Also if there are heroes like jurnero or moon, used to clean your wave creeps to damage these two heroes fall direct them . But remember you are not the tank so do not start ..... q and calculates all your mana at the start will not be blinqueas and do not reach the mana, if you are there akasha dead!
Well continue for a long game is always good to disarm a Guinsoo heroes (it's one of the strongest items in my opinion) and any escape , plus we give infinite mana . To finish shivas eye of scadi and with these two items and no one escapes , since one lentea with each stroke and the other is an aoe armor and give you life and to endure quite hit.
I hope you learn and comment!
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