Ish'kafel Dark Seer
Range: 128 | Move Speed: 300
Attribute: Intelligence
Frz: 22 + 2.3 | Agi: 12 + 1.2 | Int: 29 + 2.7
Damage: 60-66 | HP: 568 | Mana: 377
HP Regen: 0.91 | Mana Regen: 1.17
Attack Speed: 0.66 | Armor: 6
Range: 128 | Move Speed: 300
Attribute: Intelligence
Frz: 22 + 2.3 | Agi: 12 + 1.2 | Int: 29 + 2.7
Damage: 60-66 | HP: 568 | Mana: 377
HP Regen: 0.91 | Mana Regen: 1.17
Attack Speed: 0.66 | Armor: 6

Vacuum Dota
Create an abyss within a chosen parameter, pulling and damaging enemies within the area.
Level 1 - 40 damage.
Level 2 - 80 damage.
Level 3 - 120 damage.
Level 4 - 160 damage.
Mana cost: 100/130/160/190
Cooldown: 19 seconds
Casting Range: 500
Area of Effect: 250/350/450/550
Note: This ability will interrupt the casting of spells and items.
Note: This skill pulls units for 0.4 seconds prior to the damage.

Ion Shell
Surrounds a unit with a shield that damages per second to enemies who come in contact with. Lasts for 20 seconds.
Level 1 - 30 damage per second.
Level 2 - 50 damage per second.
Level 3 - 70 damage per second.
Level 4 - 90 damage per second.
Mana cost: 70/90/110/130
Cooldown: 10
Casting Range: 600
Area of Effect: 250
Note: The damage is done in small amounts every 0.1 seconds.
Note: If casted on a drive that already has a shield in this replace him.

Floods a target with excess power giving it maximum speed for a short period.
Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 4.5 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 4 - Lasts 7.5 seconds.
Mana cost: 20/30/40/50
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9
Casting Range: 600

Wall of Replica
Raise a wall d pure mana . Enemies that pass through the damage and take pictures of them appear from the wall to serve the Dark Seer until desaparesca .
Level 1 - Illusions receive 300 % damage and 70 % damage (100 % * ), the hard wall for 15 seconds , 150 damage when taking the copy.Level 2 - Illusions receive 300 % damage and 80 % damage ( 120 % * ), the hard wall for 30 seconds, 150 damage when taking the copy.Level 3 - Illusions receive 300 % damage and 90 % damage (140 % * ), the hard wall for 45 seconds , 150 damage when taking the copy.
Mana cost : 200/300/400Cooldown: 100Casting Range : 500/900/1300Area of effect : 1000
Note: Do not make copies of illusions or geomancer clones .Note : The wall is created between the perpendicular line between the Dark Seer and the target point .Note: Aghanim 's Scepter improves damage of the copies as shown ( *) .
Skills by :
Level 1 - Ion Shell
Level 2 - Surge
Level 3 - Ion Shell
Level 4 - Vacuum
Level 5 - Ion Shell
Level 6 - Vacuum
Level 7 - Ion Shell
Level 8 - Vacuum
Level 9 - Vacuum
Level 10 - Surge
Level 11 - Surge
Level 12 - Surge
Level 13 - Wall of Replica
Level 14 - Wall of Replica
Level 15 - Stats
Level 16 - Wall of Replica
Level 17-25 - Stats

Stout Shield

Ancient Tango of Essifation

Ironwood Branch

Lesser Clarity Potion
Items for the Home:


Urn Of Shadows

Power Treads
Dark Seer Half Game Build:


Dark Seer Late Game Build:

Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse

Heart of Tarrasque

Boots of Travel

Assault Cuirass
Guide Dark Seer - Ish'kafel
In this build of items is to convert your hero hunter , taking advantage Ion Shell and Surge for use in yourself. First
start with the Power Threads to make better use Surge to weaken your
enemies , and the vanguard of the Urn will give life and mana required
for creepear in your line quietly and wander around the map to hunt. Radiance spare for that perfectly combine with your skill Ion Shell, double damage to nearby enemies.
Mekamsn to have strength and support your team at the beginning that this item at the beginning can be very desbalanceador if used at the right time.
For a long game one Guinsoo is perfect because it takes away the rappers and tankes road and it serves very well to catch the fast, but if you are a person who does not have much speed in the fingers , try to think before you buy or trains ! haha. The Tarrasque and cuirass will give you life and armor needed to survive sticking up for your team and gives you very good attack speed, not to mention the bonus of armor that you give your allies and your enemies down.
Imagine this situation : Your Ion Shell with your Radiance , your aura lowering defenza much truth hurts ! and to finish your Guinsoo xD.
Understanding Dark Seer in General
The order in which we will be first maximize the skills Ion Shell (which help us creepear and throw enemies lines ) with Vacuum is your damage skill that will help you kill and escape. If you want you can put a point arises at low levels to escape or help a friend escape if I estuneado . Then we maximize Surge, Wall of Replica Level 14-15-16 we jumped in because its duration before being maximized is very little to actually serve in the fights.
Recommendations : The way it works is that the Vacuum draws all enemies towards the center of the selected area and make them further damage, you can help to escape the enemy with a pointed end and downtown area this away from you, so you push the enemy out, and hunt enemies causing the end is pointing to the enemy and the center closest to you possible . It can also serve to combo, for example to help heroes like Magnus , gathering enemies.
The Ion Shell has multiple uses can wear it to you or a partner with more speed and endurance , that I pursue an enemy doing damage per second all the time. We also used to creepear and you can even go neutral with this skill . If your enemies do not let you get close to creepear Ion Shell you can put an enemy mage and killing all maguitos least having put the Ion Shell or a Melee creep as are not hitting ally or enemy.
Surge will be used to escape or to chase enemies, as if these armed killer might be good to use it on yourself , but better for your teammates killed.
Wall of Replica have to try to put it in places where will your enemies , if you can be pursued on a rise in pushs served quite put it all on those tickets because there will necessarily also to defend your base you can put it at the entrance, this skill is very powerful and hang time will generate confusion to your enemies.
Nothing more to say just arises forewarned to use your teammates if they need to escape or to chase some killer ally .
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