Dota 6.81A/B/C - New Heroes Discussion

After the release of DOTA Map version 6.80c, the next map is now on set by Icefrog and that would probably be - Dota Map 6.81 and 6.82
version and hopefully it will come with new heroes. So let us discuss
here all the possible new heroes to be unveiled by IceFrog. This are my prediction for the upcoming Dota 6.80d, 6.80e and 6.81 New Heroes! This a leak from playdota-forum with 6 new heroes unreleased by Icefrog! For those who don't know yet about this heroes; this are:
- H0E1 Mortar Team
- N0MD Priest
- N0M9 Wyvern Outrider
- E031 Edgewalker
- N0M2 Dragonhawk
- H0DL Ghost Revenant
H0E1 Mortar Team (Strength)
H0E1 Mortar Team Skills
Concussive Shot (instant)
Bomb Bomb (target point)
Flash bomb (target aoe)
Siege Form (instant transformation)
Priest (Intelligence)
Priest Skills
Holy Shackles (instant)
Chill (target enemy unit)
Divine Intervention (target unit)
Wyvern Outrider (Agility)
Wyvern Outrider Skills
Sonic Boom (target point)
Wind Blast (target area)
Wind Barrier (target ally)
Prevailing Winds (target area)
Ghost Reverant (Intelligence)
Ghost Reverant Skills
Wraith (instant)
Blackjack (target point)
Miasma (instant)
Exhaustion (instant)
Edgewalker (Intelligence)
Edgewlaker Skills
Death Watch (target ally)
Rеality ShifТ (summon)
Fatal Attraction (passive)
Haunting Echos (target point)
Sissy (Dragonhawk) (Intelligence)
Sissy (Dragonhawk) Skills
Conjure Forсe (instant)
Arcan Seal (target enemy unit)
Thrust (target unit)
Divine Wraith (target ally)
Target Divine Wraith (target aoe)
type individually are familiar right?! But some of this are different
styles and less / more damage like Conjure Force by Lord Avernus, Wind
Blast by Wind Runner, Haunting Echos by Mirana and Blackjack by Krob.
Even they got the same skill between the old heroes as i mentioned,
still I like to use this new heroes for the upcoming official maps like
6.81A 6.81B or 6.81C.
DOTA Players Top Queries:
- Q: When will be the official release of the new heroes?
- A: As of now this is only rumor, but hopefully IceFrog launched this soon.
- Q: Can i play this heroes on offline mode?
- A: Yes! Download this map and you can play it
- Q: Why? I thought this heroes are not yet release?
- A: Yes this heroes is release over a year ago but not official, in 6.77b testmap (you can play it) it's a leaked!
- Q: What are the bugs in 6.77b testmap?
- A: You can test out the heroes in the 6.77b map. Simply type -clear and they will spawn at the centre of the map. However, the following don't work:
- Mortar Team's first three skills do nothing. Flash Bomb provides only an effect. Siege Form will crash the map if you buy an Orb Effect.
Ghost Revenant's Exhaustion- Actually is a global Thunder Clap.
I'm also a big fan of DOTA
(Defense of the Ancient) and I know all DOTA players excited for the
upcoming release of this 6 new heroes, hopefully Icefrog will reveal this!
is not an official new heroes announcement by IceFrog! This is our
predictions, discussions and serve as a request to be launch as future
official and enable us to be play the heroes via online thru' RGC or
tags: bagong hero sa dota 6.80d/e, New heroes 6.80, nuevo héroe en dota 6.81, بطل جديد في دي أو تي ايه 6.81, 在DOTA6.81新英雄, DOTA6.81の新ヒーロー, nouveau héros dans dota 6.81, DOTA 6.81의 새로운 영웅, ny hjälte i dota 6,81, Новый герой в доте 6.81, neuen Helden in DotA 6.81, Новий герой в доті 6.81, new heroes dota 6.80d/e, ano bagong hero sa dota 6.8d/e. nuevo héroe en dota 6.80d/e, بطل جديد في دي أو تي ايه 6.80d/e, 在DOTA6.81新英雄, DOTA6.80d/eの新ヒーロー, nouveau héros dans dota 6.80d/e, DOTA 6.80d/e의 새로운 영웅, ny hjälte i dota 6,80d/e, Новый герой в доте 6.80d/e, neuen Helden in DotA 6.80d/e, Новий герой в доті 6.80d/e, new heroes dota 6.80d/e, ano bagong hero sa dota 6.81/a/b/c/d/e, DOTA 6.81A AI MAP, DOTA 6.81B AI MAP Download, DOTA 6.81ai MAP, Download DOTA 6.81b ai map, DOTA 6.81A AI ne heroes.
tags: bagong hero sa dota 6.80d/e, New heroes 6.80, nuevo héroe en dota 6.81, بطل جديد في دي أو تي ايه 6.81, 在DOTA6.81新英雄, DOTA6.81の新ヒーロー, nouveau héros dans dota 6.81, DOTA 6.81의 새로운 영웅, ny hjälte i dota 6,81, Новый герой в доте 6.81, neuen Helden in DotA 6.81, Новий герой в доті 6.81, new heroes dota 6.80d/e, ano bagong hero sa dota 6.8d/e. nuevo héroe en dota 6.80d/e, بطل جديد في دي أو تي ايه 6.80d/e, 在DOTA6.81新英雄, DOTA6.80d/eの新ヒーロー, nouveau héros dans dota 6.80d/e, DOTA 6.80d/e의 새로운 영웅, ny hjälte i dota 6,80d/e, Новый герой в доте 6.80d/e, neuen Helden in DotA 6.80d/e, Новий герой в доті 6.80d/e, new heroes dota 6.80d/e, ano bagong hero sa dota 6.81/a/b/c/d/e, DOTA 6.81A AI MAP, DOTA 6.81B AI MAP Download, DOTA 6.81ai MAP, Download DOTA 6.81b ai map, DOTA 6.81A AI ne heroes.
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