Guia Jin'zakk - Batrider
75 | Velocity Movement: 290 Range: 375 | Move Speed: 290
Str: 23 + 2.0 | Agi: 15 + 1.5 | Int: 24 + 2.5
Damage: 48-52 | HP: 587 | Mana: 312
HP Regen: 0.94 | Mana Regen: 0.97
Attack Speed: 0.68 | Armor: 3

Sticky Napalm
Select an area and throws a good sticky oil. Amplifies any fire damage and slows the movement and changes the pace of the units in that area. You can join the same unit skill to 10 times. Lasts 7 seconds
Level 1 - 10 damage 3% per stack lentea
Level 2 - 15 damage 5% per stack lentea
Level 3 - 20 damage 7% per stack lentea
Level 4 - 25 damage 9% per stack lentea
Note: All attacks are amplified Batrider both items as power, less damage Radiance.
Casted Range: 700
Area of Effect: 375
Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 3 seconds

Throw a cocktail of highly hazardous chemicals in a goal. On impact with the enemy explodes, dealing damage and knocking nearby units impact.
Level 1 - 75 damage Level 2 - 150 damage Level 3 - 225 damage Level 4 - 300 damage
Note: If a unit receives a direct hit, it will be stunned for 0.5 seconds
Area of Effect: 400 Mana Cost: 80/100/120/140 Cooldown: 11 seconds

Fly high and leaves a trail of fire behind him. The enemies who follow him will be burned. Lasts 18 seconds
Level 1 - 20 damage per second
Level 2 - 40 damage per second
Level 3 - 60 damage per second
Level 4 - 80 damage per second
Note: During the Batrider can fly, may pass above the trees or impassable terrain
Note: If the length is just over the top of an impassable terrain this stay docked
Note: destroy the trees where the pass
Area of Effect: 200
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 40 seconds.

Flaming Lasso
Tie the target with a loop that tightened, allowing the Batrider to pull behind it as it moves. Do not pull if it passes an impossible field pass. Teletransportandoce or Blinqueando makes the tie is broken.
Level 1 - Jala a target for 3 seconds
Level 2 - Jala a target for 3.5 seconds
Level 3 - Jala a target for 4 seconds
Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 90/70/50 seconds
Casted Range: 175
Note: You can not attack
Batrider Skills order:
Level 1-Sticky Napalm
Level 2-Flamebreak
Level 3-Flamebreak
Level 4-Firefly
Level 5-Flamebreak
Level 6-Flaming Lasso
Level 7-Flamebreak
Level 8-Firefly
Level 9-Firefly
Level 10-Firefly
Flaming Lasso Level 11
Level 12-Sticky Napalm
Level 13-Sticky Napalm
Level 14-Sticky Napalm
Level 15-Stats
Flaming Lasso Level 16
Level 17-Stats
Level 18-Stats
Level 19-Stats
Level 20-Stats
Level 21-Stats
Level 22-Stats
Level 23-Stats
Level 24-Stats
Level 25-Stats
They use items
Items that out:

Magic Stick

Ancient Tango of Essifation

Ironwood Branch

Lesser Clarity Potion
Items for the Home


Power Treads
Guia Jin'zakk - Batrider Half Game Build:

Kelens Dagger

Hood of Defiance
Guia Jin'zakk - Batrider Late Game Build:

Khadgars Pipe Of Insight

Guinsoo Scythe of Vise

Shivas Guard
Your combo is very simple, lentear as much as you can so that causes more damage with your skills. Then you throw an arrow to harm, hence the ropes with your ulti and normally you pull into a tower, you activate your Firefly, you're hurt while pulling finally strips another arrow to be its death blow.
With this hero at the beginning you should focus to 2 things, grab an opponent, for that reason he throws dagger to have the wow factor to your enemy and pull away from the group of allies. And the other thing you should do is do any tank, for this reason to start the Vanguard is very useful, because many times you pull your opponents attack you first. Then the Hood then do Pipa will help your team, you must remember that your hero is a hero who works team since the pull are your allies who help you to kill him. Always pull low life heroes, so that they can kill instantly and give place no allies come to save him.
Finally you must do items, control and help you to tanking a bit, the control will have to Guinzo and Chivas, the latter also gives you a lot of very useful to hold armor, and lentear with Chivas but your 1st skill it is almost impossible for your enemy to escape.
Your combo is very simple, lentear as much as you can so that causes more damage with your skills. Then you throw an arrow to harm, hence the ropes with your ulti and normally you pull into a tower, you activate your Firefly, you're hurt while pulling finally strips another arrow to be its death blow.
With this hero at the beginning you should focus to 2 things, grab an opponent, for that reason he throws dagger to have the wow factor to your enemy and pull away from the group of allies. And the other thing you should do is do any tank, for this reason to start the Vanguard is very useful, because many times you pull your opponents attack you first. Then the Hood then do Pipa will help your team, you must remember that your hero is a hero who works team since the pull are your allies who help you to kill him. Always pull low life heroes, so that they can kill instantly and give place no allies come to save him.
Finally you must do items, control and help you to tanking a bit, the control will have to Guinzo and Chivas, the latter also gives you a lot of very useful to hold armor, and lentear with Chivas but your 1st skill it is almost impossible for your enemy to escape.
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