Darchrow Enigma
Range: 500 | movement Speed: 300
Attribute: Intelligence
Frz: 17 + 2.1 | Agi: 14 + 1.0 | Int: 20 + 3.4
Damage: 42-48 | HP: 473 | Mana: 260
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.81
Attack Speed: 0.67 | Armor: 3.96
Range: 500 | movement Speed: 300
Attribute: Intelligence
Frz: 17 + 2.1 | Agi: 14 + 1.0 | Int: 20 + 3.4
Damage: 42-48 | HP: 473 | Mana: 260
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.81
Attack Speed: 0.67 | Armor: 3.96

Concentra Darchrow full wrath of a target, causing damage and stun time to time.
Level 1 - Damages 40 estonea for 1 second every 2 seconds. It lasts 2 seconds.
Level 2 - Damages 40 estonea for 1 second every 2 seconds. Lasts 4 seconds.
Level 3 - Damages 65 estonea for 1 second every 2 seconds. Lasts 4 seconds.
Level 4 - Damages 65 estonea for 1 second every 2 seconds. Lasts 6 seconds.
Mana cost: 110/130/150/160
Cooldown: 15
Casting Range: 700
Note: they are running stuns the target is visible.

Demonic Conversion
Separates a creep into 3 equal to the malevolent, under his control. During 35 seconds.
Level 1 - Creates 3 Lesser Eidolons.
Level 2 - Creates 3 Eidolons.
Level 3 - Creates 3 Greater Eidolons.
Level 4 - Creates 3 Dire Eidolons.
Mana cost: 170
Cooldown: 35
Casting Range: 700
Note: The converted unit gives you experience and gold.
Note: Eidolons multiply when they attack 6 times. When this happens, recover your life.

Midnight Pulse
Fill an area of black magic, causing enemies who dare enter to take damage. Lasts 8 seconds.
Level 1 - Loses 3% of their max health per second.
Level 2 - Loses 4% of their max health per second.
Level 3 - Lose 5% of your max health per second.
Level 4 - Loses 6% of their max health per second.
Mana cost: 95/110/125/140
Cooldown: 25
Casting Range: 500
Area of Effect: 400
Note: Damages including magic immune units.
Note: Destroys trees in the area.

Black Hole
Summon the powers of the darkest abyss, creating a black hole that sucks all nearby enemies causing them harm. Lasts 4 seconds.
Level 1 - Damages 30 range, 60 damage close up.
Level 2 - Damages 50 range, 100 damage close up.
Level 3 - Damages 70 range, 140 damage close up.
Mana cost: 250/350/450
Cooldown: 200/190/180
Casting Range: 250
Area of Effect: 375 (jala and silences) / 500 (deep damage) / 150 (damage nearby)
Note: Disable all the trapped heroes, including magic immune.
Skills by:
Level 1 - Demonic Conversion
Level 2 - Malefice
Level 3 - Demonic Conversion
Level 4 - Malefice
Level 5 - Demonic Conversion
Level 6 - Black hole
Level 7 - Demonic Conversion
Level 8 - Malefice
Level 9 - Malefice
Level 10 - Midnight Press
Level 11 - Black hole
Level 12 - Midnight Press
Level 13 - Midnight Press
Level 14 - Midnight Press
Level 15 - Stats
Level 16 - Black hole
Level 17-25 - Stats

Ironwood Branch

Ancient Tango of Essifation

Lesser Clarity Potion

Magic Stick
Items for Home:

Magic Wand

Phase Boots

Ring of Basilius

Kelens Dagger
Enigma Half Game Build:

Black King Bar


Enigma Late Game Build:

Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse

Refresher Orb

Boots of Travel

Heart of Tarrasque
Guide Enigma - Darchrow
This is a hero that needs much mana to start, we will therefore many Lesser potion.
One way to make money is to go against your demonic neutral conversion to tanker by you (remember you can use this spell to your already converted units), this hero can also pull creeps, in other words pull creeps to the line. This will allow you to make your own creeps fight against them and the other team earn less experience, the downside is that it has a greater chance of losing your tower.
Otra forma de hacerlo es amontonando creeps, aqui les muestro como:
It is also good to send your clones to walk around the map to see
runes and hunted around the sides (very important to avoid ganks ).
As initial items will get the wand , the phase boots to catch and run stonear enemies or enemy heroes who want to kill us . The ring of basilius is for mana regen and is extra armor for you, your allies and your clones !
Then the other main item that you get the dagger kelens as you allow hunting , illustration blink> flat> stun > blow. And also to put your ulti without anyone noticing because you can nuluficar all the other team by 4 seconds!
Then if there are many nuker or desabilitadores on the opposing team , making BKB and give you time to put your ball floor without being disabled for the other team and give you an extra life necessary for this hero. This is important because if you estonean or silence can be sure that you're dead hero!
If your team needs support and asks MEKANS haste but still with necro as it is a great combo with your ulti , that you are striking two dwarfs while you can not move and you suck the mana is really frustrating and deadly. I recommend that summon > blink> avatar > flat> Ball Madness and your kids xD attack that also let you see invis lol .
For a long game you can get Guinsoo so you never miss the mana and you your special ability (one of the most powerful items) or if you are confident of your mana walks the refresh since this item will be eight seconds of ulti and if questions if I estonean ? then use your avatar again as refreshea even your items! xD good you repeat the magic.
Finally your travel to pushear in lines and if you see that you lack agunatar life can get a tarraske that will give you a better chance.
I hope you learn and comment!
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