Sunday, March 9, 2014

Guia Vol`Jin - The Witch Doctor (Build/Guide)

Vol`Jin - The Witch Doctor
Rango: 600 | Velocidad de Movimiento: 305
Atributo: INT
Frz: 16 + 1.8 | Agi: 13 + 1.4 | Int: 24 + 2.9
Daño: 51-61 | HP: 454 | Mana: 312
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 0.97
Velocidad de Ataque: 0.66 | Armor: 0.82


Guia Dota Paralyzing Cask  
Paralyzing Cask

Vol'jin launches a paralyzing powder that bounces between enemies, estoneandolos for small period of time and causing damage for each bounce.

Level 1 - 2 bounces, 75 damage to units, 50 damage to heroes.
Level 2-4 bounces, 100 damage to units, 50 damage to heroes.
Level 3 - 6 bounces, 125 damage to units, 50 damage to heroes.
Level 4-8 bounces, 150 damage to units, 50 damage to heroes.

Casted Range: 700
Range Rebound: 600
Mana Cost: 110/120/130/140
Cooldown: 20/18/16/14 seconds.

Guia Dota Voodoo Restoration  
Voodoo Restoration

Vol'jin focuses su magical power to be able to cure them cercanas allied units.

Level 1 - Heals 16 hp / sec.
Level 2 - Heals 24 hp / sec.
Level 3 - Heals 32 hp / sec.
Level 4 - Heals 40 hp / sec.

Efecto area: 340
Costo Mana: 25/50/75/100 al inicio + 8/14/20/26 per second
Cooldown: 0 seconds so you active the desactivas a tu decisión.

Note: La cured applies en intervals 0.33 seconds.
Note: Puede her magic to heal inmunes units.

Guia Dota Maledict

Select an area which cursed, the damned heroes will not only hurt at first, but will receive extra damage every 4 seconds based on how much hp lost at the beginning of the curse. Lasts 12 seconds.

Level 1 - Enemies lose 5 hp / sec, 10 bonus damage for every 100hp that lost during curse Level 2 - Enemies lose 10 hp / sec, 20 bonus damage for every 100hp that lost during curse
Level 3 - Enemies lose 15 hp / sec, 30 bonus damage for every 100hp that lost during curse
Level 4 - Enemies lose 20 hp / sec, 40 bonus damage for every 100hp that lost during curse

Casted Range: 400
Area of Effect: 165
Mana Cost: 120
Cooldown: 35segundos

Guia Dota Death Ward
Death Ward

Convenes a bara attacking enemies. For 8 seconds.

Level 1-60 (90 *) Damage
Level 2 - 90 Damage (120 damage, bounces 1 time *)
Level 3 - 120 Damage, bounces 1 time (150 damage, hits 3 heroes at the same time *)

Attack Range: 700
Mana Cost: 200
Casted Range: 300/350/400
Cooldown: 90 seconds

Note: bara is invulnerable and can only be destroyed when the time or interrupt Witch Doctor runs out.
Note: bara can be controloada choose oara enemy attack.
Note: bara attacks every 0.3 seconds

Nivel 1 -Paralyzing Cask
Nivel 2 -Maledict
Nivel 3 -Paralyzing Cask
Nivel 4 -Maledict
Nivel 5 -Voodoo Restoration
Nivel 6 -Death Ward
Nivel 7 -Maledict
Nivel 8 -Paralyzing Cask
Nivel 9 -Maledict
Nivel 10 -Paralyzing Cask
Nivel 11-Death Ward
Nivel 12 -Stats
Nivel 13 -Stats
Nivel 14 -Voodoo Restoration
Nivel 15 -Voodoo Restoration
Nivel 16 -Death Ward
Nivel 17 -Voodoo Restoration
Nivel 18 -Stats
Nivel 19 -Stats
Nivel 20 -Stats
Nivel 21 -Stats
Nivel 22 -Stats
Nivel 23 -Stats
Nivel 24 -Stats
Nivel 25 -Stats

They use items

Items that out:

Empty Bottle 

Boots of Speed

Items for the Home:

Arcane Boots

Urn of Shadows

Force Staff

For Half Game:

Aghanims Scepter


For Long Game:

Guinsoo Scythe of Vise

Shivas Guard


Lothars Edge


Kelens Dagger

Witch Doctor 's Guide

The Witch Doctor is perfect to hunt , has 2 very good skills to kill early in the game ( before reaching 6 ) , Paralyzing Cask and Maledict . The combo is simple, use the Paralyzing Cask when the enemy is near just 1 creep or hero Maledict use , and try to hit the maximum amount that can be , the more likely they are to escape alive, but then the Maledict I finished killing if you get a lot of life to take him down . An essential item for this hero is the urn , you follow the same combo, but you apply a load of your urn , causing great damage , imagine the damage the Maledict Urn + .

The only downside is that the Witch Doctor is very vulnerable because it has paca life , to use the Maledict have to get very close and when planting your Death Ward has to stay still. For this reason the Force Staff will help you escape or enter the battle by surprise . As alternatives is the Bloodstone , which gives you more life , and Lothar , with the latter have a peculiar combo, put your rod and turn invisible , out there that can help you in other ways.

The Dagon is a useful item if you want to kill a single hero almost instantly , and you use your Maledict then Dagon . It should be noted the skill Voodoo Restoration , which is very good, but for this you need much mana, so therefore when it maxeamos enough items to spend so much mana, cured many times that can determine the game.

Finally Guinzo will check against your opponents , you must remember that you have to try to plant your rod in a place that you can not see you , for example :



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