Harbinger - Obsidian Destroyer
Range: 450 | Move Speed: 300
Attribute: INT
Frz: 19 + 1.85 | Agi: 24 + 2.0 | Int: 26 + 3.3
Damage: 49-64 | HP: 511 | Mana: 338
HP Regen: 0.82 | Mana Regen: 1.05
Attack Speed: 0.73 | Armor: 4
Range: 450 | Move Speed: 300
Attribute: INT
Frz: 19 + 1.85 | Agi: 24 + 2.0 | Int: 26 + 3.3
Damage: 49-64 | HP: 511 | Mana: 338
HP Regen: 0.82 | Mana Regen: 1.05
Attack Speed: 0.73 | Armor: 4

Arcane Orb
Gives the Destroyer extra power to damage his based on the amount of mana you have enemies.
Level 1: Makes 6% of your current mana in damage. Makes 100 additional damage illusions or summoned units.
Level 2: Makes 7% of your current mana in damage. Ago Illusions 200 additional damage or summoned units.
Level 3: Makes 8% of your current mana in damage. Makes 300 additional damage illusions or summoned units.
Level 4: Makes 9% of your current mana in damage. Ago Illusions 400 additional damage or summoned units.
Casted Range: 450
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Note: The damage is then calculated the cost of mana used.

Astral Imprisonment
Teleports an ally or enemy (your selections) to an astral prison. This hero will be separated from the real world during the time of power. If casted on an enemy, the Obsidian Destroyer steals intelligence. Intelligence is returned after 60 seconds.
Level 1 - disappears for 1 second, 2 steals intelligence
Level 2 - disappears for 2 seconds, 4 steals intelligence
Level 3 - disappears for 3 seconds, 6 steals intelligence
Level 4 - Disappears for 4 seconds, 8 steals intelligence
Casted Range: 550
Mana Cost: 120/140/160/180
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12
Note: teleported units are invulnerable, but if they are damaged by Sanity's Eclipse.
Note: If your allies use disablehelp-command, block the option that your the desaparescas.

Essence Aura
When an allied hero casts a magical power, has a chance to recover 25% of your mana. Passively increases the destroyer of his mana base.
Level 1 - 10% chance to regenerate. Increases base mana by 75.
Level 2 - 20% chance to regenerate. Increases base mana by 150.
Level 3 - 30% chance to regenerate. Increases base mana by 225.
Level 4 - 40% chance to regenerate. Increases base mana by 300.

Sanitys Eclipse
The Obsidian Destroyer unleashes his potential, causing massive damage. The most intelligent minds will be able to resist much of the damage , but will spend most of their energy in order to achieve this, wasting so much mana .
Level 1 - Deals damage 8x ( 9x * ) times the difference between intelligence and Destroyer enemy hero .
Level 2 - Cause damage 9x ( 10x * ) times the difference between intelligence and Destroyer enemy hero .
Causes damage Level 3 - 10x ( 11x * ) times the difference between intelligence and Destroyer enemy hero .
Casted Range : 600/650/700
Area of Effect: 400/500/600 ( 700/750/800 *)
Mana Cost: 175/250/325
Cooldown: 160 seconds
(* ) With Aghanim 's Scepter
Note: If an enemy has a difference of less intelligence 10/30/50 ( level 1/2/3 ), but greater than 0 , you will lose 75% of your mana .
They use items
Items that out:

Magic Stick

Ancient Tango of Essifation

Ironwood Branch

Lesser Clarity Potion
Item for the Home:

Power Treads

Force Staff
Harbinger - Obsidian Destroyer Half Game Build

Aghanims Scepter

Euls Scepter Of Divinity
Harbinger - Obsidian Destroyer Late Game Build

Guinsoo Scythe of Vise

Refresher Orb

Shivas Guard
This hero is very strong, as it causes a lot of damage from the beginning and end of the game . His great power depends on such intelligence has , since his ulti is the difference between intelligence and skills first by the amount of mana you have, and give more intelligence and more mana regeneration.
Its only disadvantage is that it is very vulnerable because he has little HP , for this reason we will draw Force Staff to start , as it gives us intelligence ( more damage) and permitara we leave or enter the fights. At the outset it should be stressed , which is good up to a point Astral Imprisonment , as it can be hunted (up looking at level 1 rune ) and have that skill with element of surprise we could help save or is also useful if we want to win the rune or deny a tower or llevarnolas.
After having 2 methods of escape, ( Astral Imprisonment and Force Staff ) , we will focus on more damage , for this reason we will draw Aghanim's Scepte , this item enhances our ulti . The ulti is many times essential for this hero , you should use it when it may cause damage to most enemy heroes.
The other option is Eul damage and escape, also gives us greater speed of movement, and finally the Guinzo Chivas help us to have more control , more Hp and greater regenearcion mana and have intelligence.
You have to know how to use your skills well , remember to use Arcane Orb strokes to steal your enemies when they are in lines , or also to crepear faster.
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