Razor Lightning Revenant
Range: 475 | Move Speed: 295
Attribute: Agility
Frz: 21 + 1.7 | Agi: 22 + 2.0 | Int: 19 + 1.8
Damage: 45-47 | HP: 549 | Mana: 182
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.57
Ataquie Speed: 1.33 | Armor: 2

Plasma Field
Razor makes a plasma wave energy, which expands and then returns. It hurts to expand and retract.
Level 1 - Minimal Harm 80. Max 140
Level 2 - Minimum Damage 120. Max 210
Level 3 - 160 Damage Minimum. Max 280
Level 4 - 200 Damage Minimum. Max 350
Mana Cost: 125
Cooldown: 16 seconds

Static Link
The razor creates a static connection between him and the opponent hero. While that connection is maintained, Razor will continue robbing the damage and aumentandoselo to it. Lasts up to 10 seconds. Extra damage 13 seconds more remains.
Level 1-5 attack per second
Level 2 - 10 second attack
Level 3 - 15 second attack
Level 4 - 20 second attack
Note: Connection is broken if the unit dies, or if the distance between them is 700 May.
Mana Cost: 20/30/40/50
Cooldown: 45/40/35/30 seconds

Unstable Current
The body of this Razor to get high electric currents and dark energy. For that unnatural state allows to have a large movement speed, also if an enemy will direct magical power lever, this will get a shock of electricity that purge.

Eye of the Storm
The Lightning Revenant calls upon a powerful storm that power , which attack the enemies with lightning debelitados more . Which will lose armor for every hit.
Level 1 - Damages 37.5 and reduces armor by 1 each strike. Each hit every 0.85 seconds
Level 2 - Damages 50 and reduces armor by 1 each strike. Each hit every 0.75 seconds
Level 3 - Damages 62.5 and reduces armor by 1 each strike. Each hit every 0.6 seconds Mana Cost: 100/150/200 Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds Note: Each selected hit the enemy with the least amount of life in a range of 525.
Skills order :
Level 1 -Plasma Field
Level 2 - Unstable Current
Level 3 -Plasma Field
Level 4 - Unstable Current
Level 5 -Plasma Field
Level 6 - Eye of the Storm
Level 7 -Plasma Field
Level 8 Unstable Current
Level 9 - Unstable Current
Level 10 -Stats
Level 11 Eye of the Storm
Level 12 -Static Link
Level 13 Static Link
Level 14 Static Link
Level 15 -Static Link
Level 16 - Eye of the Storm
Level 17 -Stats
Level 18 -Stats
Level 19 -Stats
Level 20 -Stats
Level 21 -Stats
Level 22 -Stats
Level 23 -Stats
Level 24 -Stats
Level 25 -Stats

Magic Stick

Ancient Tango of Essifation

Ironwood Branch

Lesser Clarity Potion
Items for the Home:

Phase Boots


Hood of Defiance
Razor Half Game Build:



Black King Bar

Blade Mail
Razor Late Game Build:


Heart of Terraske

Monkey King Bar

Assault Cuirass

The Butterfly

Khadgars Pipe Of Insight
Explanation :
are several ways to arm the razor ( according to circumstances ) , as
it was initially recommended arming tanke ( able to withstand a lot of
damage ) . This is a ganker hero ( hunter) born as it has very useful skills at the beginning and end of the game .
To start gank need two main advantages , have enough mana to use our skills and to have a high speed movement to escape and not fully received from the Eye of the Storm. For this we buy Boots of Speed and improve our Magic Stick Magic Wand , then we buy 2 Blades of Attack and have our Phase Boots.
In this way we hunt , as these boots can hacercanos or cercamente we pursue our enemies and receive full Eye of the Storm and the return of our Plasma Wave Field. With the money earned gank is recommended to buy a Vanguard , because in this way the magicians ( as it has little life ) will suffer much in castearte something, as will lose lots of life and will lenteando and easy prey for the enemy .
Radiance is good then arm him or Maelstrom , since your ulti hits the weakest unit, then these items can clean the creeps and make sure you receive only the hero damage outside these items bridan you great harm , which they cause great damage because your ulti low armor .
In a long game , it may recommend having more tanke (Heart of Tarraske ) and more damage (The Butterfly) , another option is to make Eye of Skady or Sange and Sasha or another item that lentee the opponent to make out of your second skill Static link, and have it connected for longer and thus get more damage .
To start gank need two main advantages , have enough mana to use our skills and to have a high speed movement to escape and not fully received from the Eye of the Storm. For this we buy Boots of Speed and improve our Magic Stick Magic Wand , then we buy 2 Blades of Attack and have our Phase Boots.
In this way we hunt , as these boots can hacercanos or cercamente we pursue our enemies and receive full Eye of the Storm and the return of our Plasma Wave Field. With the money earned gank is recommended to buy a Vanguard , because in this way the magicians ( as it has little life ) will suffer much in castearte something, as will lose lots of life and will lenteando and easy prey for the enemy .
Radiance is good then arm him or Maelstrom , since your ulti hits the weakest unit, then these items can clean the creeps and make sure you receive only the hero damage outside these items bridan you great harm , which they cause great damage because your ulti low armor .
In a long game , it may recommend having more tanke (Heart of Tarraske ) and more damage (The Butterfly) , another option is to make Eye of Skady or Sange and Sasha or another item that lentee the opponent to make out of your second skill Static link, and have it connected for longer and thus get more damage .
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