Range: 600 | Move Speed: 280
Attribute: Intelligence
Frz: 19 + 1.7 | Agi: 20 + 1.9 | Int: 22 + 2.5
Damage: 39-45 | HP: 511 | Mana: 286
HP Regen: 0.82 | Mana Regen: 0.89
Attack Speed: 0.71 | Armor: 1.8

Gives 1 HP regen per second per level and instance. Improving this skill give +2 str.
Level 1 - Gives 1 HP regen per second and instance.
Level 2 - Gives 2 HP regeneration per second and instance.
Level 3 - Gives 3 HP regen per second and instance.
Level 4 - Gives 4 HP regen per second and instance.
Level 5 - Day 5 HP regeneration per second and instance.
Level 6 - Day 6 HP regeneration per second and instance.
Level 7 - Da 7 HP regeneration per second and instance.
Level 1 - Gives 1 HP regen per second and instance.
Level 2 - Gives 2 HP regeneration per second and instance.
Level 3 - Gives 3 HP regen per second and instance.
Level 4 - Gives 4 HP regen per second and instance.
Level 5 - Day 5 HP regeneration per second and instance.
Level 6 - Day 6 HP regeneration per second and instance.
Level 7 - Da 7 HP regeneration per second and instance.
Nota: Pasivamente da 2 de str por nivel del skill.

Da 2% attack speed and 1% movement speed and instance level. Improving this skill give +2 agi.
Level 1 - Gives 2% attack speed and 1% movement speed per instance.
Level 2 - Gives 4% attack speed and 2% movement speed per instance.
Level 3 - Gives 6% attack speed and 3% movement speed per instance.
Level 4 - Gives 8% attack speed and 4% movement speed per instance.
Level 5 - Give 10% attack speed and 5% movement speed per instance.
Level 6 - Give 12% attack speed and 6% movement speed per instance.
Level 7 - Give 14% attack speed and 7% movement speed per instance.
Note: Passively gives 2 Agi per level of skill.
Level 1 - Gives 2% attack speed and 1% movement speed per instance.
Level 2 - Gives 4% attack speed and 2% movement speed per instance.
Level 3 - Gives 6% attack speed and 3% movement speed per instance.
Level 4 - Gives 8% attack speed and 4% movement speed per instance.
Level 5 - Give 10% attack speed and 5% movement speed per instance.
Level 6 - Give 12% attack speed and 6% movement speed per instance.
Level 7 - Give 14% attack speed and 7% movement speed per instance.
Note: Passively gives 2 Agi per level of skill.

Da 3 damage per level and instance. Improving this skill give +2 int.
Level 1 - Gives 3 damage per instance.
Level 2 - Gives 6 damage per instance.
Level 3 - Gives 9 damage per instance.
Level 4 - Gives 12 damage per instance.
Level 5 - Give 15 damage per instance.
Level 6 - Give 18 damage per instance.
Level 7 - Give 21 damage per instance.
Note: Passively gives 2 Int per level of skill.
Level 1 - Gives 3 damage per instance.
Level 2 - Gives 6 damage per instance.
Level 3 - Gives 9 damage per instance.
Level 4 - Gives 12 damage per instance.
Level 5 - Give 15 damage per instance.
Level 6 - Give 18 damage per instance.
Level 7 - Give 21 damage per instance.
Note: Passively gives 2 Int per level of skill.

It combines the properties of elements manipulated, creating a new spell. The invoked spell is determined by the combination of Quas, Wez and Exort.
Level 1 - Can tene 1 invoked spell.
Level 2 - can spell invoked two tene.
Level 3 - can spell invoked two tene.
Level 4 - can spell invoked two tene.
Mana cost: 20 (0 *) / 40 (0 *) / 60 (0 *) / 80 (0 *)
Cooldown: 22 (16 *) / 17 (8 *) / 12 (4 *) / 5 (2 *)
Note: The command-invokelist will give you the list of spells that can be invoked.
Note: The position of the instances do not matter.
Note: The values Aghanim spell improvement (*).
Level 1 - Can tene 1 invoked spell.
Level 2 - can spell invoked two tene.
Level 3 - can spell invoked two tene.
Level 4 - can spell invoked two tene.
Mana cost: 20 (0 *) / 40 (0 *) / 60 (0 *) / 80 (0 *)
Cooldown: 22 (16 *) / 17 (8 *) / 12 (4 *) / 5 (2 *)
Note: The command-invokelist will give you the list of spells that can be invoked.
Note: The position of the instances do not matter.
Note: The values Aghanim spell improvement (*).
Hechizos que pueden ser invocados:

Cold Snap
This spell invokes if Kael has 3 Quas instances. Invoker removes heat their enemies, freezing them for up to 6 seconds based on Quas level. Any damage received by the states, estoneara by 0.4 seconds and receive 30 damage. The reuse stuns is between 0.8 to 0.6 depending on the level of Quas.
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 20
Casting Range: 1000
Duration: between 3 and 6 seconds.
Note: Depending on the level of Quas, the duration of the spell is 3/3.5/4/4.5/5/5.5/6 seconds cooldown between stuns is 0.7715/0.7430/0.7145/0.6860/0.6575/0.6290/0.6005 seconds.
Note: Applies a stun for the same duration and a 60 damage immediately when it is cast, it does not affect the cooldown between stuns.
Note: The stun only occurs if the damage is greater than 10 after reductions.
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 20
Casting Range: 1000
Duration: between 3 and 6 seconds.
Note: Depending on the level of Quas, the duration of the spell is 3/3.5/4/4.5/5/5.5/6 seconds cooldown between stuns is 0.7715/0.7430/0.7145/0.6860/0.6575/0.6290/0.6005 seconds.
Note: Applies a stun for the same duration and a 60 damage immediately when it is cast, it does not affect the cooldown between stuns.
Note: The stun only occurs if the damage is greater than 10 after reductions.

Ghost Walk
If Kael has 2 Quas instances and 1 Wex may convene this spell. Invoker manipulates the ice and electrical energy around him, making his body invisible. The elemental imbalance created as a consequence slows nearby enemies by up to 40% depending on Quas, and Invoker from 30 to 0% based on the Wex.
Mana cost: 200
Cooldown: 60
Area of Effect: 400
Length: 100 seconds
Note: Depending on the level of Quas, decreases enemy speed by 20% / 23% / 26% / 30% / 33% / 36% / 40%.
Note: Depending on the level of Wex, Invoker decreases the speed by 30% / 25% / 20% / 15% / 10% / 5% / 0%.
Note: The effect also affects magic immune units.
Mana cost: 200
Cooldown: 60
Area of Effect: 400
Length: 100 seconds
Note: Depending on the level of Quas, decreases enemy speed by 20% / 23% / 26% / 30% / 33% / 36% / 40%.
Note: Depending on the level of Wex, Invoker decreases the speed by 30% / 25% / 20% / 15% / 10% / 5% / 0%.
Note: The effect also affects magic immune units.

If Kael has 1 Quas and 2 instance of Wex may convene this spell. Raises a tornado picks up faster than enemy units on your way, and suspendelas in the air shortly before falling to their doom. 375 damage based on Wex and Quas, with distance up to 3200 based on Wex. Suspend enemies in the air up to 2.2 seconds based on Quas.
Mana cost: 150
Cooldown: 30
Casting Range: 200
Duration: between 0.8 and 2.5 seconds
Note: The calculation of damage is: 70 + ((lvl of Quas + Wex lvl) * 20).
Note: The effect of Quas per level: duration 0.8/1.1/1.4/1.7/2/2.3/2.5 seconds.
Note: The effect of Wex per level: 800/1200/1600/2000/2400/2800/3200 distance.
Mana cost: 150
Cooldown: 30
Casting Range: 200
Duration: between 0.8 and 2.5 seconds
Note: The calculation of damage is: 70 + ((lvl of Quas + Wex lvl) * 20).
Note: The effect of Quas per level: duration 0.8/1.1/1.4/1.7/2/2.3/2.5 seconds.
Note: The effect of Wex per level: 800/1200/1600/2000/2400/2800/3200 distance.

If Kael has 3 Wex instances may call this spell. Invoker builds up a charge of electromagnetic energy at a location which automatically detonates after 2-4 seconds based on Wex. The detonation covers an area 675, which drains to 400 base mana in Wex. 0.5 damage per point of mana drained.
Mana cost: 125
Cooldown: 30
Casting Range: 950
Area of Effect: 675
Note: Direct damage if the unit does not die from this spell, but it's like a magic attack.
Note: The damage is done before draining mana.
Note: No units in Tornado affect or elevated by Eul.
Note: The effect of Wex per level: 100/150/200/250/300/350/400 mana drain. Delay 3.7/3.4/3.15/2.85/2.6/2.3/2 seconds.
Mana cost: 125
Cooldown: 30
Casting Range: 950
Area of Effect: 675
Note: Direct damage if the unit does not die from this spell, but it's like a magic attack.
Note: The damage is done before draining mana.
Note: No units in Tornado affect or elevated by Eul.
Note: The effect of Wex per level: 100/150/200/250/300/350/400 mana drain. Delay 3.7/3.4/3.15/2.85/2.6/2.3/2 seconds.

If Kael has 2 Wex instances and 1 Exort may convene this spell. Invoker infuses an ally with an immense amount of energy, and increases their attack speed to a maximum of 80% based on Wex for 9 seconds.
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 15
Casting Range: 650
Note: The effect of Wex per level: Increases attack speed by 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% / 60% / 70% / 80%.
Note: The effect of Exort by level: Increases attack 20/30/40/50/60/70/80.
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 15
Casting Range: 650
Note: The effect of Wex per level: Increases attack speed by 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% / 60% / 70% / 80%.
Note: The effect of Exort by level: Increases attack 20/30/40/50/60/70/80.

Chaos Meteor
If Kael has 1 Wex and 2 instance of Exort may convene this spell. Invoker pulls a meteor from space to the specified location. Upon landing, the meteor rolls by up to 325 damage per second based on Exort and a range of up to 1410 on the basis of Wex. Makes less residual damage to units that are hit by.
Mana cost: 200
Cooldown: 55
Casting Range: 700
Area of Effect: 275
Note: the units under meteor (275 area) every 0.5 seconds and burns enemies for 3 seconds ago primary damage, doing less damage.
Note: The effect of Wex per level: Range 465/615/780/930/1095/1245/1410 meteor.
Note: The effect of Exort per level: Primary Damage 57.5/75/92.5/110/127.5/145/162.5 every 0.5 seconds. Damage 11.5/15/18.5/22/25.5/29/32.5 burnt per second.
Note: The meteor takes 1.3 seconds to fall.
Note: The storm moves at a speed of 300.
Mana cost: 200
Cooldown: 55
Casting Range: 700
Area of Effect: 275
Note: the units under meteor (275 area) every 0.5 seconds and burns enemies for 3 seconds ago primary damage, doing less damage.
Note: The effect of Wex per level: Range 465/615/780/930/1095/1245/1410 meteor.
Note: The effect of Exort per level: Primary Damage 57.5/75/92.5/110/127.5/145/162.5 every 0.5 seconds. Damage 11.5/15/18.5/22/25.5/29/32.5 burnt per second.
Note: The meteor takes 1.3 seconds to fall.
Note: The storm moves at a speed of 300.

Sun Strike
If Kael has 3 instances Exort may convene this spell. Send a ray of catastrophic fire from the sun to any location on the map after a delay of 1.7 seconds, incinerates all enemies under it. Makes 100-475 Exort based damage, extends over all enemies within an area of 175.
Mana cost: 175
Cooldown: 30
Casting Range: Global
Area of Effect: 175
Note: pure damage type.
Note: Damage is split equally between the area who are between.
Note: Any vision of that area.
Note: You gain experience even kill the hero out of the experience rago 1200.
Note: The effect of Exort per level: Damage 100/162.5/225/287.5/350/412.5/475.
Mana cost: 175
Cooldown: 30
Casting Range: Global
Area of Effect: 175
Note: pure damage type.
Note: Damage is split equally between the area who are between.
Note: Any vision of that area.
Note: You gain experience even kill the hero out of the experience rago 1200.
Note: The effect of Exort per level: Damage 100/162.5/225/287.5/350/412.5/475.

Forge Spirit
If Kael has 1 Quas and 2 instance of Exort may convene this spell. Invoker forges a spirit embodying the strength of fire and fortitude of ice. His armor , damage, and life is based on Exort while mana , duration, and attack range is based on Quas . The scorching attack is capable of calcined elemental armor of the enemy heroes by 1 each hit to a maximum of 10 for 5 seconds. If this maximum Exort and Quas , Invoker is capable of creating 2 spirits instead of one .
Mana cost : 75
Cooldown: 30
Duration : 20-80 seconds.
Note: If the Quas and Exort are at level 4 or higher , summons 2 spirits.
Note: Only a group of spirits can be summoned at once.
Note: The spirits have autocast reduces armor by 1 per hit and costs 40 mana .
Note : The effect of Quas per level: duration 20/30/40/50/60/70/80 seconds. 300/400/500/600/700/800/900 attack range . Mana 100/150/200/250/300/350/400 .
Note : The effect of Exort per level: Damage 29/38/47/56/65/74/83 . Armor 2/3/4/5/6/7/8 . Life 300/400/500/600/700/800/900.
Mana cost : 75
Cooldown: 30
Duration : 20-80 seconds.
Note: If the Quas and Exort are at level 4 or higher , summons 2 spirits.
Note: Only a group of spirits can be summoned at once.
Note: The spirits have autocast reduces armor by 1 per hit and costs 40 mana .
Note : The effect of Quas per level: duration 20/30/40/50/60/70/80 seconds. 300/400/500/600/700/800/900 attack range . Mana 100/150/200/250/300/350/400 .
Note : The effect of Exort per level: Damage 29/38/47/56/65/74/83 . Armor 2/3/4/5/6/7/8 . Life 300/400/500/600/700/800/900.

Ice Wall
If Kael has 2 Quas instances and 1 Exort may convene this spell. Generates a solid wall of ice directly in front of Invoker for up to 12 seconds. The cold emanating lentea much to nearby enemies based on Quas and reaches 42 damage per second based on Exort.
Mana cost: 175
Cooldown: 25
Area of Effect: 105
Duration: 3 - 12 seconds
Note: The effect of Quas per level: lentea 20% / 40% / 60% / 80% / 100% / 120% / 140%. 3/4.5/6/7.5/9/10.5/12 duration.
Note: The effect of Exort per level: Damage 6/12/18/24/30/36/42.
Mana cost: 175
Cooldown: 25
Area of Effect: 105
Duration: 3 - 12 seconds
Note: The effect of Quas per level: lentea 20% / 40% / 60% / 80% / 100% / 120% / 140%. 3/4.5/6/7.5/9/10.5/12 duration.
Note: The effect of Exort per level: Damage 6/12/18/24/30/36/42.

Deafening Blast
If Kael has 1 instance Quas , 1 Wex and 1 Exort may convene this spell. Invoker unleashes a mighty sonic wave in front of him , doing up to 280 damage to any enemy unit it collides based on Exort . The high impact of the explosion is sufficient to displace the enemies
to back for a maximum of 1.75 seconds base Quas , in addition to
preventing their attacks for 1-4 seconds based on Wex .
Mana cost : 200
Cooldown: 40
Casting Range : 1000
Area of Effect: 225
Duration : 1 - 4 seconds
Note : The effect of Quas per level: Dig 0.25/0.5/0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds duration .
Note : The effect of Wex per level: Duration of anticipation of attack 1/1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds.
Note : The effect of Exort per level: Damage 40/80/12/160/200/240/280 .
Note: Interrupts spells.
Mana cost : 200
Cooldown: 40
Casting Range : 1000
Area of Effect: 225
Duration : 1 - 4 seconds
Note : The effect of Quas per level: Dig 0.25/0.5/0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds duration .
Note : The effect of Wex per level: Duration of anticipation of attack 1/1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds.
Note : The effect of Exort per level: Damage 40/80/12/160/200/240/280 .
Note: Interrupts spells.
Skills order :
This hero does not have a particular order of skills , since combinations is done to get the skills. It is advisable to initially have Quas , Wex and Exort , to have the chance to do all the skills. But then having more Exort as we give you more damage and this will help us to crepear incredibly early in the game . ( Crepear and Deniar ).
This hero does not have a particular order of skills , since combinations is done to get the skills. It is advisable to initially have Quas , Wex and Exort , to have the chance to do all the skills. But then having more Exort as we give you more damage and this will help us to crepear incredibly early in the game . ( Crepear and Deniar ).
They use items
Items that out:

Ironwood Branch

Lesser Clarity Potion
Items for the Home:

Phase Boots

Helm of the Dominator
Items for the Half Game:

Aghanims Scepter

Force Staff
For Long Game:

Guinsoo Scythe of Vise

Shivas Guard

Guía del Invoker Kael
The Invoker is one of the more stronger but more difficult to use in dota heroes. This is because having multiple skills and combining one has to go ,
so you need to have much use, and know how to activate the powers
Initially the Invoker is very weak , ie has very little hp and makes it vulnerable for this reason it is important to always ready skill Ghost Walk, which will allow us to escape unseen , in addition to reinforcing the escape will be very useful to buy Phase Boots, which will give us movement speed and great harm. Leveraging damage buy Helm of Dominator , which we will recover life and if you micro - manage recommend dominate a Centaur.
Therefore it is very important Aghanims Scepter because the combinations can make your skills easily by reducing the waiting time of Invoke.
Finally Guinsoo will ensure your mana regeneration and most importantly , will give you even more control to power vodear an enemy hero and quietly use your skills on .
Initially the Invoker is very weak , ie has very little hp and makes it vulnerable for this reason it is important to always ready skill Ghost Walk, which will allow us to escape unseen , in addition to reinforcing the escape will be very useful to buy Phase Boots, which will give us movement speed and great harm. Leveraging damage buy Helm of Dominator , which we will recover life and if you micro - manage recommend dominate a Centaur.
Therefore it is very important Aghanims Scepter because the combinations can make your skills easily by reducing the waiting time of Invoke.
Finally Guinsoo will ensure your mana regeneration and most importantly , will give you even more control to power vodear an enemy hero and quietly use your skills on .
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