Dazzle Shadow Priest
Range: 500 | Move Speed: 305
Attribute: Intelligence
Frz: 16 + 1.85 | Agi: 21 + 1.7 | Int: 27 + 3.4
Damage: 41-59 | HP: 454 | Mana: 351
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 1.09
Attack Speed: 0.71 | Armor: 1.94
Range: 500 | Move Speed: 305
Attribute: Intelligence
Frz: 16 + 1.85 | Agi: 21 + 1.7 | Int: 27 + 3.4
Damage: 41-59 | HP: 454 | Mana: 351
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 1.09
Attack Speed: 0.71 | Armor: 1.94

Poison Touch
A poison is put on the enemy, causing it to move slower to stop, the more delay to stop, but it lentea. Shot damage for 7 seconds and the target moves slower per level.
Level 1-8 damage per second. Take 1 second to stop.
Level 2-16 damage per second. Takes 2 seconds to stop.
Level 3-24 damage per second. Takes 3 seconds to stop.
Level 4 - 32 damage per second. Takes 3 seconds to stop.
Mana cost: 100/115/130/145
Cooldown: 15/13/11/7
Casted Range: 600
Note: This spell is not affected by blockers items.
Note: This spell has a holding ministun casteadas.
Shallow Grave
Prevents any damage to kill the hero chosen by 5 seconds.
Level 1-550 casted range.
Level 2-700 range casted.
Level 3-850 range casted.
Level 4-1000 range casted.
Mana cost: 140/130/120/110
Cooldown: 60/45/30/15
Note: No special stops the axe.
Prevents any damage to kill the hero chosen by 5 seconds.
Level 1-550 casted range.
Level 2-700 range casted.
Level 3-850 range casted.
Level 4-1000 range casted.
Mana cost: 140/130/120/110
Cooldown: 60/45/30/15
Note: No special stops the axe.
Shadow Wave
Send a ray that heals nearby allied heroes nearby enemies and damages them in the same amount.
Level 1 - 80 damage, 3 targets. Area of effect 475 * / 185 **
Level 2 - 100 damage, 3 targets. Area of effect 475 * / 185 **
Level 3 - 120 damage, 4 goals. Area of effect 475 * / 185 **
Level 4 - 140 damage, 5 targets. Area of effect 475 * / 185 **
(*) Area of effect or damage to heal.
(**) Area around the unit damage healed.
Mana cost: 80/90/100/110
Cooldown: 12/10/8/6
Casted Range: 900
Note: If you like what you cast yourself, do not count as an objective, ie it can even heal or harm 3,4 or 5 more depending on the level.
Send a ray that heals nearby allied heroes nearby enemies and damages them in the same amount.
Level 1 - 80 damage, 3 targets. Area of effect 475 * / 185 **
Level 2 - 100 damage, 3 targets. Area of effect 475 * / 185 **
Level 3 - 120 damage, 4 goals. Area of effect 475 * / 185 **
Level 4 - 140 damage, 5 targets. Area of effect 475 * / 185 **
(*) Area of effect or damage to heal.
(**) Area around the unit damage healed.
Mana cost: 80/90/100/110
Cooldown: 12/10/8/6
Casted Range: 900
Note: If you like what you cast yourself, do not count as an objective, ie it can even heal or harm 3,4 or 5 more depending on the level.
Used to increase or decrease the defense of an objective over time. Changing armor every second ago. Area of Effect is 575 (775 *)
Level 1 - Lasts for 12 (18 *) seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts for 18 (24 *) seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts for 24 (30 *) seconds.
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 40
Casted range: 2000
Note: Aghanim's increases as shown in the values with *.
Note: Allow a vision range of 800 on day and night for a short period.
Order of skills:
Level 1 - Shallow Grave
Level 2 - Shadow Wave
Level 3 - Poison Touch
Level 4 - Shadow Wave
Level 5 - Poison Touch
Level 6 - Poison Touch
Level 7 - Shadow Wave
Level 8 - Shadow Wave
Level 9 - Weave
Level 10 - Poison Touch
Level 11 - Weave
Level 12 - Weave
Level 13 - Shallow Grave
Level 14 - Shallow Grave
Level 15 - Stats
Level 16 - Shallow Grave
Level 17-25 - Stats
Items that out:

Magic Stick

Ironwood Branch

Healing Salve

Clarity Potion
Items for Home:

Smoke of Deceit

Arcane Boots

Soul Ring

Urn Of Shadows
Dazzle -Shadow Priest Build For Half Games


Ancient Janggo Of Endurance

Force Staff
Dazzle -Shadow Priest Build For Long Games:

Orchid Malevolence

Shiva's Guard

Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse

Aghanim's Scepter
Guide-Dazzle Shadow Priest
The Dazzle is pure support (help). The Smoke serves well for hunting and a good player make good escapes in times of crisis, in addition to creepear with neutrals allows without fear of wards.
With Dazzzle first thing you think about is the blessed mana (for connoisseurs, ALWAYS MISSING) therefore one of the first items to get are the Arcane Boots and your Soul Ring to give 250 mana and 50% respectively and mana reg Sacrifice not forget the power of the ring that this is a great hero. The Urn of Shadows is also a very good item to start as it gives you good mana regen and power to heal allies or 400, I think I would go wonderfully right? haha.
Then a MEKANS that early in the game is an item that largely unbalanced (armor life and your whole team is never other), just as the anciente always thinking about the team's bonus wick destroy equipment! and is an item at all expensive and the Force Staff you going to bother like crazy (remember the disablehelp command-can prevent an ally use this item in you and not served in the chronosphere or the black hole).
And for a long endows it is best to end it with Orchid Silences and gives a lot of mana regen, a Shivas that is one of the best items Guinsoo AoE and it works very well with abusive that are always present!. The Aghanim if desired also a good option but not so necessary for this hero but his best skills. I hope you learn and comment!
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