Meepo Geomancer
Range: 100 | Move Speed: 300
Atribut AGI
Frz: 23 + 1.3 | Agi: 23 + 1.9 | Int: 20 + 1.6
Damage: 34-40 | HP: 587 | Mana: 260
HP Regen: 0.94 | Mana Regen: 0.81
Attack Speed: 0.72 | Armor: 5

Lanza thorns on a certain area, causing all enemy units in 225 AoE are trapped and fall to the ground.
Level 1 - Catch enemy units for 2 seconds.
Level 2 - Catch enemy units for 2 seconds.
Level 3 - Catch enemy units for 2 seconds.
Level 4 - Catch enemy units for 2 seconds.
Casted Range: 500/750/1000/1250
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 20/16/12/8
Note: Prevents enemies using blink.
Note: Interrupts the casted magic powers.
Note: Does not work with magic immune units

Meepo can be transported to another Geomancer, leaving destruction in its path. After loading the skill for 1.5 seconds, Meepo Geomancer immediately transported to the nearest selected, causing damage in 400 AoE.
Level 1 - 50 damage.
Level 2 - 80 damage.
Level 3 - 110 damage.
Level 4 - 140 damage.
Casted Range: Global
Mana Cost: 140/120/100/80
Cooldown: 16/14/12/10
Note: If a Meepo himself transported, damage partidad and arrival will be done in the same area.

The Geomancer love his weapon with the essence of the land, destroying the lives of their enemies and putting their Pieras flimsy. Slow to the selected unit and does damage per second. This is additive with other effecto Geomancers. It lasts 2 seconds.
Level 1-5% slow, 7 damage per second. Level 2-10% slow, 14 damage per second. Level 3-15% slow, 21 damage per second. Level 4-20% slow, 28 damage per second.

Divided We Stand
Meepo summons an imperfect, semi-autonomous and duplicate of the same, which can earn gold, experience and abilities. Despite that, the clones can not carry items, only the boot that takes. If one clone dies, all die.
Level 1-1 Geomancer.
Level 2-2 Geomancers.
Level 3-3 Geomancers.
Note: Meepo clones can use active abilities from Boots of Travel and Phase Boots.
Note: Meepo clones gain 30% of any extra attributes the primary Meepo.
Level 1-Geostrike
Level 2-Earthbind
Level 3-Poof
Level 4-Poof
Level 5-Poof
Level 6-Divided We Stand
Level 7-Poof
Level 8-Earthbind
Level 9-Earthbind
Level 10-Geostrike
Level 11 Divided We Stand
Level 12-Earthbind
Level 13-Geostrike
Level 14-Geostrike
Level 15-Stats
Level 16 Divided We Stand
Level 17-Stats
Level 18-Stats
Level 19-Stats
Level 20-Stats
Level 21-Stats
Level 22-Stats
Level 23-Stats
Level 24-Stats
Level 25-Stats

Healing Salve

Ancient Tango of Essifation

Ironwood Branch
Items for the Home:

Power Treads

Kelens Dagger
Geomancer Half Game Build:


Vladmirs Offering
Geomancer Late Game Build:

Assault Cuirass

Sange and Yasha

Guide Meepo - Geomancer
This hero is very difficult to handle , as it has much micromanagement ( almost simultaneous use several skills). Since you must drive more than a hero to make the most of their ability . Another major difficulty is to take care of the lives of clones , because if one dies , everyone dies. In fights usually tarjetearn a clone to the original .Eventhough this hero often belittles, this is very powerful and a very good hunter . First , you just have to lift our level 6 clone and it is advisable to send a creepear neutral. If we get quickly and Kelens Dagger Power Treads have a potential ganker hero . The
serious combo dagear towards the opponent , tie and use the skill poof
to invoke the other meepos , within seconds the opponent will be dead ,
because the damage invoke a meepo then yourself meepo invoke causes
double damage , as well as outward and coming, but the plus you have with Geostrike .Then
it is advisable to get you and Vladimir Menkans so your clones are more
resistant and are not easy to cancel in fights , especially when using
AoE skills . The main strategy is to gank all game , while copies are crepeando
your other hand , so many kills and you'll have lots of money to arm
yourself quickly.Your
final items will depend on how long the battle, sometimes it is
necessary to do more and aunmentarle tanking damage , or to control,
since in many cases it shows Guinzo for even more effective gankeada .
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